You want your frog to be nice and round, but not overly fat. Young, growing frogs kept in warmer conditions will eat more often and more at a time than a larger frog kept cooler. Your frog should be fed based on temperatures and size of frog. Insects should be gutloaded with a commercial gutload product. Gutloading refers to the practice of feeding the insects a nutritious diet before offering them to your frog, to ensure the most balanced nutrition. There are commercial powder based pac man frog foods you can mix with water and roll into a ball that offers a balanced diet for frogs of all sizes.

Larger frogs will require more meat source in their diets, so if you happen to have a very large frog, be sure to adjust their diet accordingly. Pinky mice can be offered to your smaller frog as an occasional treat, but they are high in fat and should not be a staple part of their diet. Feeder fish offer another varied option to offer! Dubia or turkestan red runner roaches, crickets, mealworms, earth worms and other types of reptile-safe insects should be the staple of their diets.

If it fits in their mouth, they will try and eat it. Pac man frogs are insectivores and very opportunistic eaters. Always use a thermostat - if the mat gets too hot, your frog will be injured.īasking spots dry out the air too quickly for this humidity-loving frog, so if you do use a lot watt basking bulb for additional heat instead of an under tank heater, be sure to keep an eye on the humidity and mist more often. In cooler months or if the room your frog is housed in stays on the cooler range, this additional heat is recommended. Be sure the tank is big enough to allow them to move where they are most comfortable, and the substrate is deep enough to allow burrowing so they can pick the spot that is most comfortable to them.Īn under tank heater on a thermostat on one side of the tank with temperatures on the hot end being around 78-85° and the rest of the tank staying around 70-72° is ideal. Most pac man frogs do fine at room temperature, but will appreciate a temperature gradient if one is offered. Pac man frogs are cold blooded, so they rely on their environment to regulate body temperature. Be sure to wash your hands before handling any other reptiles during this time. After this quarantine process, they can be safely introduced to their permanent enclosure if it's not already. They need time to become acclimated to it all.

Always keep in mind, your new animal is in a new tank, with new decor/dishes/hides, and new faces watching them. It is recommended you do not handle your new frog for the first 24-48 hours and keeping it to a minimum until it has started eating on its own. Monitor its eating and fecals as they may be strange for up to a couple weeks, but this is due to a new diet, supplements, and environment. You should keep this new frog separate from any other reptiles you may have for 90 days, to ensure there is nothing it could spread to your other animals. Place fresh water in a bowl in the tank, mist the tank and offer food, but be aware it is completely normal for them to refuse food for the first couple days, or even longer. When you bring your new frog home, you should already have a quarantine tank set up and ready to go.